
      Noticias 2D

Queridos Padres,

I feel totally overwhelmed by all the love that your children have towards others. We read a book on Martin Luther King Jr. and their reflections not only made me proud, but they also blessed me. Please feel free to stop and see their posters displayed in the hallway. I encourage you to talk with them about the dreams they wrote. Thanks for sharing your precious children with me.

Thanks for all your prayers for our classroom! 


Maestra Durán

This Week:
Bible Memory Verse: Mateo 4:23 D ue Date: January: 31
Bible: After meditating on the miracles of Jesus, the reporters of the Gazette of Galilee are ready to launch their newspaper later this week. I hope you can enjoy it as much as I do. After that we are going to learn how Jesus teaches us through parables.
Literature Selection: La historia de Ruby Bridges
Phonics: grammatical morphemes: losmorfemas flexivos(según eltiempo: futuro) 
Word Wall Words: alli, ayuda, ayer, tuyo, oye
Poem: Fantasía de comadre rana.
Reading: We celebrated Martin Luther King Jr. day as a class through hearing Martin Luther King Jr’s speech and having each of your kids craft their own “I Have A Dream” speech. I look forward to seeing and hearing what they write during this week as well. `
Writing: This week the children will be able to see and practice how their favorite authors include similarities and metaphors in their stories.
Math: They are explaining how to subtract! Please watch him/her in Seesaw.This week we will continue practicing two-digit numbers by making change. We will also practice adding and subtracting with word problems. Thanks for all your help at home!
Science: We are having fun studying this new lesson titled, What does it matter? Students are working cooperatively in their groups investigating and working hard on
their presentations. Feel free to ask them about it!

“Housekeeping” Items:
January 20 No School (Preschool-8t h ) – Teacher Professional Development 
January 21 Second Semester Begins
January 23 All School Chapel - 9:00 a.m.
January 23 Preschool Registration 7:00 p.m. - Open to parents of current ZCS students (3S-12th) with a younger child now enrolling.

January 31: Mercadito-Please consider donating items to our Classroom Mercadito: small toys, candy, soda, etc. (think ‘Dollar Store’ items). Thanks in advance for all your support!