
       Noticias 2D

Queridos Padres,

We had a great week getting back into the swing of school! The kids have worked so hard, have been wonderful helpers and friends for one another, and shared excitement and energy for learning. It was so nice seeing them with their crazy stuff!

¡Muchas gracias to our room-mom, Erin Bremer who plans everything so perfectly!! Pizza was so welcomed in our classroom!

Also, please join me in praying for those families who are navigating extremely difficult situations, especially several in our community who have lost family members. I’ve been continually mindful this week of the blessing of this community. God’s provision in our time of need is most often found in the community He has placed us in. I am so grateful to be part of this incredible community of believers.


Maestra Durán

This Week:
Bible Memory Verse:
Matthew 4:23 Due Date: January 1 9
Bible: I love seeing the faces of my students when they discover something "new" in the word of God. We are comparing the different ways of relating miracles in the gospels. This week we will read about Bartimaeus, the blind man and the widow's son. God is still doing miracles around us! Aleluya!!
Literature Selection: Martin Luther King Jr.
Phonics: grammatical morphemes: los morfemas flexivos (según el aspecto y
tiempo: imperfecto)
Word Wall Words: e staba, íbamos, haciendo, había, quería. 
Poem: El abejón y la mariposa
Reading: We’re focusing on comprehension strategies this week, specifically inferring. We’ll talk about how to “read between the lines” and figure things out that aren’t written on the pages. This will help us deepen our comprehension of what we read.
Writing: We are beginning a new writing unit, Authors as Mentors, where we study the tricks and tips authors use in their stories and try to include them in our own stories.
Math: We are continuing to practice subtracting from 200. We have learned about ungrouping hundreds and tens and learned a new method! Thanks for all your help at home!
Science: We have successfully completed the first cycle. It is time to start the second cycle where we will investigate and analyze the information of the experiments in different materials, their properties and which reacts better for the purpose we will be investigating. Our focus question is “Why do birds choose different materials to build their nests?” and our investigation question is “I wonder if all bird nests look the same?”

“Housekeeping” Items:
January 15 & 16 No AM Busing for Middle School
January 16 ZCS Showcase – Evening Parent Open House and Program Meetings 
January 17 Y5 and Kindergarten Registration 8:00 a.m. - Open to ALL 
January 17 No PM Busing for Elementary or Middle School
January 17 End of 2nd Marking Period - School in Session
January 20 No School (Preschool-8t h ) – Teacher Professional Development January 21 Second Semester Begins
January 23 All School Chapel - 9:00 a.m.
January 23 Preschool Registration 7:00 p.m. - Open to parents of current ZCS students (3S-12th) with a younger child now enrolling.
January 31: Mercadito-Please consider donating items to our Classroom Mercadito: small toys, candy, soda, etc. (think ‘Dollar Store’ items). Thanks in advance for all your support!