
      Noticias 2D

Queridos Padres,

I thank God for another week full of blessings. We had a good time reflecting on some values like respect, self-control, and kindness. You should be so proud of your children; their ideas on how to apply these values more effectively are simply wonderful.

Also a huge thank you for your support with the Mercadito, they were very careful in choosing their products and making every penny worth it. I feel so happy that they can value and see the fruit of their great work. Feel free to see a lot of pictures on Facebook & Seesaw!

Thanks for your many prayers for our classroom! 


Maestra Durán

This Week:
Bible Memory Verse: Almost everyone did awesome! Thanks for your help at home! Our next Bible memory verse is Mark 9:35 Due Date: February 18
Bible: By studying the parables the students are enjoying discovering the secret message that Jesus teaches us in each one of them. This week we will see the hidden treasure and the pearl of great value as well as the dismissed servant.
Literature Selection: Salvar la campana de la libertad.
Phonics: sufijos superlativos (-ísimo), aumentativo (-ón, -ona), diminutivo (-ito), the morph-
ema –ito is a suffix.
Word Wall Words: poquito, favorito, mucho, facilísimo. 
Poem: La ranita.
Reading: This week we will focus on discovering the heart of the story. What message does the author want to give us with this book? For this, we will use the telling-hand activity.
Writing: We are ready to publish another amazing work of our fantastic writers. This week we will be dedicated to editing their writings with a partner.
Math: We are using what we know about addition and subtraction to solve many many many word problems! We are retelling/acting out each problem, drawing pictures, and making equations.
Science: We successfully wrapped up our Science Unit. We had a blast even taking their test. Now we are moving to Social Studies.
Social Studies: This week we will start a new Unit. How citizens live together in a community which includes local government! This is a perfect unit to study before our visit to the Mayor later this month!

“Housekeeping” Items:
February 7: Publishing Party #4
February11: All School Chapel 9:00am-You are invited!
February 13: Day 100 & Valentine’s Day celebration
February 13: No PM Busing for Elementary
February 14: Winter Break - No School
February 18: Classes resume
February 20: Fire Department & Zeeland City Hall- 12:50-1:55 & 2:00-3:15pm. Thanks for considering being our chaperone/driver.
February 27: SKLD Providence Nursing Home (2:00-3:00pm)


      Noticias 2D

Queridos Padres,

We’ll continue learning about humility and putting others first this week. It has been fun to watch the kids let others go ahead of themselves and encourage others at school. We will continue discussing this in Bible class and devotions throughout the week and will ultimately point to Jesus- the most humble servant of all!

Thanks for all your prayers for our classroom! 


Maestra Durán

This Week:
Bible Memory Verse: Mateo 4:23 D ue Date: January 31
Bible: Reporters from the Gazette of Galilee successfully launched their newspaper! Feel free to congratulate them through Seesaw. I hope you can enjoy it as much as I do. This week we are going to learn how Jesus teaches us through parables.
Literature Selection: La historia de Ruby Bridges
Phonics: grammatical morphemes: los morfemas flexivos (verbos irregulares) Students will understand that all verbs do not follow the same pattern when they are conjugated. Students will identify irregular present and past tense verbs based on stem changes and match the conjugated forms with the infinitive.
Word Wall Words: hizo, dije, mover, tratar, tener 
Poem: E n el puerto.
Reading: This week we will focus on how comprehension links to every other component of reading (accuracy, fluency, expanding vocabulary). Then we will practice using suffixes and roots of words to find the meaning of new words. In shared reading, we’ll talk about justice and empathy through the story of Ruby Bridges.
Writing: We’ll learn more about using complete sentences and choosing juicy words instead of boring words. We’ll even throw some boring words away this week (like “said” and “happy”) and will use more interesting words to replace them.
Math: They are explaining how to subtract! Please watch him/her in Seesaw.This week we will continue practicing two-digit numbers by making change. We will also practice adding and subtracting with word problems. Thanks for all your help at home!
Science: We are having fun studying What does it matter? Students are working cooperatively in their groups investigating and working hard on their presentations. This week we will have a great time investigating, Can all matter be returned to its original state after being heated? And to close with a flourish we will perform a fun experiment to discover the answer to the question Can small pieces be used to assemble (construct) something bigger? What makes up stuff?

“Housekeeping” Items:
January 27: Due to family group sledding, we will NOT have regular hot lunch. Orders will be accepted until the end of school on MONDAY, January 27. We will not have extra sack lunches, so PLEASE order on time. Sack Lunch Menu: Turkey and Cheese on Bun, Fresh Fruit, Fresh Veggies, Rice Krispies and Milk. Please let me know if you have any questions!
January 28: Report Cards sent to home with children
January 31: Mercadito-Please consider donating items to our Classroom Mercadito: small toys, candy, soda, etc. (think ‘Dollar Store’ items). Thanks in advance for all your support!
February 11: All School Chapel - 9:00 a.m. you are invited

February 13: No PM Busing for Elementary
February 13: Day 100 & Valentine’s Day celebration
February 14-17: Winter Break No School
February 20: Fire Department & Zeeland City Hall- 12:50-1:55 & 2:00-3:15pm. Thanks for considering being our chaperone/driver.


      Noticias 2D

Queridos Padres,

I feel totally overwhelmed by all the love that your children have towards others. We read a book on Martin Luther King Jr. and their reflections not only made me proud, but they also blessed me. Please feel free to stop and see their posters displayed in the hallway. I encourage you to talk with them about the dreams they wrote. Thanks for sharing your precious children with me.

Thanks for all your prayers for our classroom! 


Maestra Durán

This Week:
Bible Memory Verse: Mateo 4:23 D ue Date: January: 31
Bible: After meditating on the miracles of Jesus, the reporters of the Gazette of Galilee are ready to launch their newspaper later this week. I hope you can enjoy it as much as I do. After that we are going to learn how Jesus teaches us through parables.
Literature Selection: La historia de Ruby Bridges
Phonics: grammatical morphemes: losmorfemas flexivos(según eltiempo: futuro) 
Word Wall Words: alli, ayuda, ayer, tuyo, oye
Poem: Fantasía de comadre rana.
Reading: We celebrated Martin Luther King Jr. day as a class through hearing Martin Luther King Jr’s speech and having each of your kids craft their own “I Have A Dream” speech. I look forward to seeing and hearing what they write during this week as well. `
Writing: This week the children will be able to see and practice how their favorite authors include similarities and metaphors in their stories.
Math: They are explaining how to subtract! Please watch him/her in Seesaw.This week we will continue practicing two-digit numbers by making change. We will also practice adding and subtracting with word problems. Thanks for all your help at home!
Science: We are having fun studying this new lesson titled, What does it matter? Students are working cooperatively in their groups investigating and working hard on
their presentations. Feel free to ask them about it!

“Housekeeping” Items:
January 20 No School (Preschool-8t h ) – Teacher Professional Development 
January 21 Second Semester Begins
January 23 All School Chapel - 9:00 a.m.
January 23 Preschool Registration 7:00 p.m. - Open to parents of current ZCS students (3S-12th) with a younger child now enrolling.

January 31: Mercadito-Please consider donating items to our Classroom Mercadito: small toys, candy, soda, etc. (think ‘Dollar Store’ items). Thanks in advance for all your support!


       Noticias 2D

Queridos Padres,

We had a great week getting back into the swing of school! The kids have worked so hard, have been wonderful helpers and friends for one another, and shared excitement and energy for learning. It was so nice seeing them with their crazy stuff!

¡Muchas gracias to our room-mom, Erin Bremer who plans everything so perfectly!! Pizza was so welcomed in our classroom!

Also, please join me in praying for those families who are navigating extremely difficult situations, especially several in our community who have lost family members. I’ve been continually mindful this week of the blessing of this community. God’s provision in our time of need is most often found in the community He has placed us in. I am so grateful to be part of this incredible community of believers.


Maestra Durán

This Week:
Bible Memory Verse:
Matthew 4:23 Due Date: January 1 9
Bible: I love seeing the faces of my students when they discover something "new" in the word of God. We are comparing the different ways of relating miracles in the gospels. This week we will read about Bartimaeus, the blind man and the widow's son. God is still doing miracles around us! Aleluya!!
Literature Selection: Martin Luther King Jr.
Phonics: grammatical morphemes: los morfemas flexivos (según el aspecto y
tiempo: imperfecto)
Word Wall Words: e staba, íbamos, haciendo, había, quería. 
Poem: El abejón y la mariposa
Reading: We’re focusing on comprehension strategies this week, specifically inferring. We’ll talk about how to “read between the lines” and figure things out that aren’t written on the pages. This will help us deepen our comprehension of what we read.
Writing: We are beginning a new writing unit, Authors as Mentors, where we study the tricks and tips authors use in their stories and try to include them in our own stories.
Math: We are continuing to practice subtracting from 200. We have learned about ungrouping hundreds and tens and learned a new method! Thanks for all your help at home!
Science: We have successfully completed the first cycle. It is time to start the second cycle where we will investigate and analyze the information of the experiments in different materials, their properties and which reacts better for the purpose we will be investigating. Our focus question is “Why do birds choose different materials to build their nests?” and our investigation question is “I wonder if all bird nests look the same?”

“Housekeeping” Items:
January 15 & 16 No AM Busing for Middle School
January 16 ZCS Showcase – Evening Parent Open House and Program Meetings 
January 17 Y5 and Kindergarten Registration 8:00 a.m. - Open to ALL 
January 17 No PM Busing for Elementary or Middle School
January 17 End of 2nd Marking Period - School in Session
January 20 No School (Preschool-8t h ) – Teacher Professional Development January 21 Second Semester Begins
January 23 All School Chapel - 9:00 a.m.
January 23 Preschool Registration 7:00 p.m. - Open to parents of current ZCS students (3S-12th) with a younger child now enrolling.
January 31: Mercadito-Please consider donating items to our Classroom Mercadito: small toys, candy, soda, etc. (think ‘Dollar Store’ items). Thanks in advance for all your support!


       Noticias 2D

Queridos Padres,

¡Feliz Año Nuevo! Happy New Year! I hope that you all had a wonderful holiday season with family and friends. Before jumping right into things, we will start this week by celebrating God’s authority over all things and the plans he has for each of us even when so much is unknown to us!

While I had a wonderful break, I am really excited to get back into things with this awesome group of students. Their smiles light up my day and I’m thankful for the daily example of their genuine, child-like faith! Here’s to a great week ahead!

Also, I want to start this year by thanking our amazing room-mom Erin Bremer and her team who organized our Christmas party with great meaningful celebrations of Jesus nativity. We had a blast!

Thanks for your continued prayers for unity throughout this year! 


Hilda Durán

This Week:
Bible Memory Verse: Mateo 4:19 Due Date: January 15
Bible: I’m excited to begin a unit on Jesus’ miracles. We’ll learn about the First miracle Wedding at Cana.
Literature Selection: Alexander que era rico la semana pasada
Phonics: Grammatical morphemes: los morfemas flexivos (según el tiempo pretérito) Students begin to understand and become aware of verb tense and aspect through noticing and practicing the use of the preterite.
Wall Words: empezamos, encontré, dijo, seguimos, necesitamos
Poem: Se mató un tomate
Reading: We’re focusing on comprehension strategies this week, specifically inferring. We’ll talk about how to “read between the lines” and figure things out that aren’t written on the pages. This will help us deepen our comprehension of what we read.
Writing: This week we will start the unit called Writers imitate other authors. 
Math: Last year we had already begun our new Unit 4. Children will learn two methods for 2-digit subtraction. They are very excited about it! 
Science: We are having a lot of fun thinking like a scientist. This week we will learn what is matter and how can we classify and describe it based on its properties? 

From Kim Blaker - Beacon Ministry
¡Muchísimas Gracias por todas las donaciones! Many, many thanks for all of the donations for Beacon Ministry.  They have already started to go out to families in need.  It was a blessing to use some of the items the same day I picked them up to bless a family with twins and over break to a family referred by Children's Protective Services.  I'm excited to see how the Lord will use your giving in the lives of young families in need in Ottawa County this year.  We so appreciate your partnership!

“Housekeeping” Items:
January 6 Students Return
January 15 & 16 No AM Busing for Middle School
January 16 ZCS Showcase – Evening Parent Open House and Program Meetings
January 17 Y5 and Kindergarten Registration 8:00 a.m. - Open to ALL 

January 17 No PM Busing for Elementary or Middle School
January 17 End of 2nd Marking Period - School in Session
January 20 No School (Preschool-8th) – Teacher Professional Development 
January 21 Second Semester Begins
January 23 All School Chapel - 9:00 a.m.
January 23 Preschool Registration 7:00 p.m. - Open to parents of current ZCS students (3S-12th) with a younger child now enrolling.
January 31: Mercadito-Please consider donating items to our Classroom Mercadito: small toys, candy, soda, etc. (think ‘Dollar Store’ items). Thanks in advance for all your support!