
       Noticias 2D

Queridos Padres,

¡Feliz Año Nuevo! Happy New Year! I hope that you all had a wonderful holiday season with family and friends. Before jumping right into things, we will start this week by celebrating God’s authority over all things and the plans he has for each of us even when so much is unknown to us!

While I had a wonderful break, I am really excited to get back into things with this awesome group of students. Their smiles light up my day and I’m thankful for the daily example of their genuine, child-like faith! Here’s to a great week ahead!

Also, I want to start this year by thanking our amazing room-mom Erin Bremer and her team who organized our Christmas party with great meaningful celebrations of Jesus nativity. We had a blast!

Thanks for your continued prayers for unity throughout this year! 


Hilda Durán

This Week:
Bible Memory Verse: Mateo 4:19 Due Date: January 15
Bible: I’m excited to begin a unit on Jesus’ miracles. We’ll learn about the First miracle Wedding at Cana.
Literature Selection: Alexander que era rico la semana pasada
Phonics: Grammatical morphemes: los morfemas flexivos (según el tiempo pretérito) Students begin to understand and become aware of verb tense and aspect through noticing and practicing the use of the preterite.
Wall Words: empezamos, encontré, dijo, seguimos, necesitamos
Poem: Se mató un tomate
Reading: We’re focusing on comprehension strategies this week, specifically inferring. We’ll talk about how to “read between the lines” and figure things out that aren’t written on the pages. This will help us deepen our comprehension of what we read.
Writing: This week we will start the unit called Writers imitate other authors. 
Math: Last year we had already begun our new Unit 4. Children will learn two methods for 2-digit subtraction. They are very excited about it! 
Science: We are having a lot of fun thinking like a scientist. This week we will learn what is matter and how can we classify and describe it based on its properties? 

From Kim Blaker - Beacon Ministry
¡Muchísimas Gracias por todas las donaciones! Many, many thanks for all of the donations for Beacon Ministry.  They have already started to go out to families in need.  It was a blessing to use some of the items the same day I picked them up to bless a family with twins and over break to a family referred by Children's Protective Services.  I'm excited to see how the Lord will use your giving in the lives of young families in need in Ottawa County this year.  We so appreciate your partnership!

“Housekeeping” Items:
January 6 Students Return
January 15 & 16 No AM Busing for Middle School
January 16 ZCS Showcase – Evening Parent Open House and Program Meetings
January 17 Y5 and Kindergarten Registration 8:00 a.m. - Open to ALL 

January 17 No PM Busing for Elementary or Middle School
January 17 End of 2nd Marking Period - School in Session
January 20 No School (Preschool-8th) – Teacher Professional Development 
January 21 Second Semester Begins
January 23 All School Chapel - 9:00 a.m.
January 23 Preschool Registration 7:00 p.m. - Open to parents of current ZCS students (3S-12th) with a younger child now enrolling.
January 31: Mercadito-Please consider donating items to our Classroom Mercadito: small toys, candy, soda, etc. (think ‘Dollar Store’ items). Thanks in advance for all your support!